Pack 502's
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Cub Scout Pack 502
(Lilburn, Georgia)
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How can I Help?

The Pack Leadership is comprised of parent volunteers of our Scouts.

All of the existing leaders started out just like you — unsure of how to go about this Scouting experience, and wondering how to make the most of it for our boys. Once we decided to get involved ourselves, much of it just comes naturally. Of course, the Boy Scouts of America requires leaders to undergo a series of training exercises which ensures the safety of the Scouts. The BSA takes safety very seriously! We have many other opportunities for more specific training in areas such as weather alertness, swimming safety, boating safety, planning an outdoor event and lots more.

Leaders come from all walks of life, and we are all volunteers. Each year, at the Fall Roundup, we ask two parents of new Scouts to take on the Den as Leader and Assistant Leader. The BSA doesn't provide leaders — the parents have to do it! The more experienced leaders in the Pack will help you along the way. BSA provides training and we have monthly meetings to help too. I promise it will be some of the most fulfilling times of your life

There are many ways to help!

It takes a lot of hands to have a successful scouting program. In order for us to be able to continue growing and adding more events and activities to our year, we need you and your talents. Everybody has something to offer!

*Can you come and help set up chairs early every week?

*Are you good with tools? Would you be able to work with boys on pinewood derby cars?

*Do you have a hobby? Check out the belt loops, academic pins or Webelos activity pins and come teach something you may have great knowledge in. 

*Are you or do you know anyone who is a police officer? S.W.A.T. member? Firemen? could you help arrange a field trip or a demonstration come to us?

*Blue and Gold is a lot of work! can you help organize this event? 

*Do you like to scrap book? we would love to have a book kept up. We would love someone to post pictures to the website too.

Everyone has talents of some sort! There are many cool activities we would love to bring to the pack. Raingutter Regatta , Space Derby, Cub Mobile Races. We just need more hands to help get this going. If you, or  family members, neighbors, even church members want to be a part of some young boys lives without taking on leadership. Please contact us, we would love to have the help.

Pack Positions :

Committee Chair -----David Chandler

Cub Master-----Cynthia Foster

Church Org. Rep (C.O.R.)---Frank Grantham

Treasurer---Kurt Foster

Popcorn "Kernel"--- Cynthia Foster

Camp Card Chair----

T-Shirt Coordinator---

Big Trip Planner----

Outing Planning Team----Sheri Clark, Tim Presnell

Advancement Chair---

Pinewood  Derby Chair---    

Blue and Gold--- 

Webmaster---- Sheri Clark

Operation Shoebox---

Community Service Coordinator---

Den Leaders: Tiger---



Webelos/Arrow of Light---Tim Presnell

Assistant Den Leaders

    If you would like to learn more and take on some of these "chair" positions we welcome you to contact us. Some of these people will be moving on, now is the time to be trained so you do not go in blind.

Most important position ever. Involved Parents!

We ask that as parents you step into the meetings and events knowing you are an important part of the team. We ask that you help monitor your child at den meetings and pack meetings. Den Leaders are volunteers giving of their time, they deserve to be treated with courtesy and respect not just by the scouts but by the parents too. We always like to have extra hands, and we expect you to be responsible of your children. The old joke of B.S.A. = Babysitters of America is not something leaders find so funny.